Oklahoma City


A Challenge

Just for today...

I will show God's love to all I meet.
I will share the Lord with everyone who will hear His word.
I will remember to thank and praise God for all my blessings.
I won't grumble or complain when I have to do something I really don't want to.
I will not become impatient with my family or friends.
I will remember that the past is past and to leave it there, that the future is yet to be determined by God and us and that TODAY is a gift, that's why it's called the present.

Remember, your life is what YOU make of it. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and He will never let you down.

God bless you all!



Dee said...

It is so good to have your address once again. It is refreshing to see how simple you can put it, and sad how complicated I try to make it! I must return regular, a dose of Carla a day is just what Jesus ordered! Lovely to see HE still works thru you.
Thank you for sharing!Dee

Carla said...

Hey! Haven't been on here in awhile. I took most everything down. I leave this up cuz I promised Dad I would. It's linked to my domain name. Thanks for stopping by. Love you bunches